Lime’s Top 10 Films

Nothing much is happening here at the moment, so I figured I could make a list of Lime’s favourite films. We sat together and wrote them all down, at which point I discovered that we’ll need two lists: one focusing on ‚Live-Action‘ and another on Animated films (coming soon).

So here it goes, in no particular order ^_^ (The links all go to the respective IMDB page)

  1. Batman (1966)

Silliest film ever. So much bad acting, but you gotta love it.


Favourite Scene:

„Some days, you just can’t get rid of a bomb!“

2. Pirates of the Caribbean – Trilogy (2003 – 2007)

We don’t like the 4th one very much, so the first three it is. And we love those A LOT!


Favourite Scene:

At World’s End: the fight between Will Turner, Norrington and Captain Jack Sparrow, involving a huge water wheel…

3. The Italian Job (1969)

This was particularly a favourite when Lime was around 2-3y old. She watched it aaaaaall the time (as well as Marley & Me, see below). We recently saw it in the outdoor cinema, and she still liked it, but wasn’t quite as captivated.


Favourite Scene:

„You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!!!“

4. Marley & Me (2008)

When this came out, it was e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e and I hated it. But a few years on, and I thought, let’s try it. It’s got a dog and Jennifer Aniston…it might be nice for Lime. She loved it. I loved it. Still do.


Favourite Scene:

Will have to rewatch, it’s been a while

5. Liar Liar (1997)

We are huge Jim Carrey fans in general, but Lime chose this as her favourite


Favourite scene:

„The… CLAW!“


…but really…everything.

6. Lord of the Rings – Trilogy (2001 – 2003)

You have no idea how happy I am that Lime has fallen in love with Middle Earth as much as we have. I think she’s a bit more into The Hobbit than LotR, but that’s likely because we’ve watched those films more often.


Favourite scene:

She can’t think of one.. so I’m going to pick one for her…


7. The Hobbit – Trilogy (2012 – 2014)

We. LOVE. The Hobbit! There’s a rule in our house: if you sing it (any of the songs) you gotta watch it! :p (Not really, but it’s a close one)


Bifur, Dwalin, Bilbo, Bofur and Óin


Favourite scene:

Gandalf and Radagast meeting in the Ancient Tombs of Rhudaur (High Fells)

„…one of a number. One of Nine.“


8. Star Wars: Force Awakens (2015)

Personally, I’m not a Star Wars fan, but I do enjoy this last one. Lime seems to enjoy it too, so it made it on the list.


Favourite scene:


…and the bit just after, when BB8 ‚points‘ to the tool Rey is pointedly pointing to.

9. Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (1971)

A favourite in this house, though not mine (except for a couple of scenes)


Favourite scene:

Apparently this one… (also a good impression of Lime herself)


10. Transformers – All of them! (2007 – present)

Yesssss.. we love Transformers movies. They’re loud and a bit dumb, but damn they’re fun! (Optimus Prime on a DINOBOT… named Grimlock!!!!


Favourite scene:

When the guy finds Optimus Prime… (I chose the very first time)


Sam Witwicky and future girlfriend Mikaela Banes meet Optimus Prime



And that’s it. What are your kids‘ favourite films?


World Premier of ‚A Divorce Before Marriage‘ – A Film about iLiKETRAiNS

Back in May, my friend Iggy (who lives in Berlin) asked whether I fancied joining him at the above mentioned event. Of course, I said, Yes Please! A chance to get out and do something fun that doesn’t involve the child? Hell yeah! Those moments don’t come around very often, you know?

On my way to the station

London was packed, unsurprisingly so, I might add. Pride In London was in town and the area around Picadilly Circus and Regent’s Street was heaving.

Iggy was LIVE on FB

We sought and found shelter, a good view and lunch in Pizza Hut. I had already eaten so only had a Strawberry Milkshake and a slice of Deep Pan pizza that Iggy was kind enough to share. The view, btw, was fantastic!

Several soda refills and a good chat later it neared 5pm and we went on our merry way to the Picturehouse. In it, we killed the time with a latte and mocha, but the drinks were still hot when we walked upstairs and found the band, filmmakers and guests.

I’m pretty sure Iggy was vibrating with excitement so I just stood back and listened and took photos…and tried not to scald my tongue on the still hot Mocha, which I finished just in time for the film. Let me quote Progress Film to explain what ADbM is about:

In 2006, five-piece rock and roll band I Like Trains were the toast of the music industry. They were signed to a major label and playing sold out tours around the world. They had money, momentum and were fulfilling their dreams. A Divorce Before Marriage picks up the story five years later, where, due to the decline of the music industry and a change in their fortune, the band are now in a very different position, fighting for their lives to exist in a wildly different musical landscape, trying to financially support themselves through dead end jobs and low paid gigs.

Over the course of the next three years, we document each band member as they adjust to their new found lifestyle, moving away from the bright lights and dizzying heights of music stardom and into the real world where careers, family and adulthood are paramount. Self-organised tours and the independent release of their third album serve as a reminder of a life once lived. This is now a band in the middle, steadfast in their determination to succeed in a stagnant music industry.

Capturing the timeless, bittersweet beauty of Yorkshire, A Divorce Before Marriage is a cinematic portrait of five men battling to express themselves against the detritus of everyday life. It isn’t just a film about a band, it represents a struggle which every creative in modern Britain can understand: leading double lives to keep artistic freedom alive. As filmmakers, this was something we could relate to ourselves.

This film was financed through a Kickstarter Campaign:

After nearly two years of shooting, we launched a Kickstarter campaign for the film. With a trailer to show the direction of the film and a significant fan base of the band to appeal to, the campaign was a big success. We smashed through our initial goal of £16,000 to raise over £28,000 in funding. After the campaign was over, we took a step back and looked hard at the film we wanted to make. We ended up shooting for another 18 months, allowing us to tell a three and a half year story.

Opening Screen

If you’ve seen a few Channel4 documentaries, you know the style: wide angles, close ups, haunting music. It’s nothing new, but it’s gorgeous. I could look at stuff like that for hours.
At one point I got a bit worried about Iggy as the film suggested an imminent break-up of the band, but (SPOILER ALERT!) all ended well and on a positive note. He also briefly appeared in it, definitely a highlight!

After Party

The film was followed by a Q&A, which was hosted by former NME Editor Anthony Thornton, who – as he started off explaining – as his last act in office (so to speak) tried to get everyone to notice iLT.

The small After Party was an extension of the pre-party and the wine must have literally flowed, because we only managed to get one glass each. We did end up chatting to some of the band’s family and friends, which was lovely. Of course, we also ventured into #Brexit territory. We all agreed that it sucked.

Iggy, family & friends of the band, me

A beer and Pimm’s later, we crashed (more like perched on the edge of) one of the sofas in the bar and watched the rest of the Croatia vs Portugal match, munching a late dinner of Sweet Potato chips. Yum.

The bar

And then we wandered to Westminster tube station and took the train home.

All in all a fabulous evening. Thanks, Iggy. Have a good flight back to Berlin!

Do it yourself Indoorsand

Hier ist doch mal was für veregnete (Sommer-)tage! Das müssen wir doch glatt mal ausprobieren, danke an dasLiebkind! 🙂


Here is something for rainy (summer) days. We’ll have to try that one out soon, thank you an dasLiebKind! 🙂



Sand im Wohnzimmer?
Wahrscheinlich kennt schon beinahe jeder von euch den Sand den man von verschiedenen Spielwarenherstellern kaufen kann. Tolle Idee, aber das blöde ist, dass er immer weniger wird und auch irgendwann verdreckt. Dann kann man für teuren Nachschub sorgen ODER den

Do it yourself Indoorsand


Ursprünglichen Post anzeigen 116 weitere Wörter

Kali Pai, Adam


I don’t know
What’s pleasing to the eye
In the delusion of my sight
Is not what I find when I reach into the light
I have lost my mind
I’m walking through time
Deluded as the next guy
Pretending and hoping to find
That distant peace of mind
I don’t know
Who does know
There is no 
Where to go
It’s not so simple as I try to wish
But then again what is?
There is no other worthy quest
So on I go
I don’t know
Who does know
There is no 
Where to go

Today, Adam Yauch aka MCA of the Beastie Boys died. He was only 47 and at this stage it is not confirmed whether he died as a result of his cancer, which he was diagnosed with in 2009 (video).

Adam with his little girl Tenzin (Source)

Now, a lot of people don’t even know who he is and to many the news that a ‚celebrity‘ has died is unimportant but I have been a massive fan of the band since I was in my teens. I have managed to see them live back in 1998 (god, I feel old) and it was one of the best concerts I’ve ever been to. I couldn’t walk for a week. 😉 Their music is still as awesome as it was when I first heard it 15 years ago.

But aside from that, Adam has been a major contributor and fighter for the rights of Tibetans. Without him, I’d have never learned about their pain and suffering under Chinese rule. Click here to learn more

Without Adam there are no Beastie Boys and that is hard to acknowledge. They released their first EP Polly Wog Stew in the year I was born and have just released their latest offering Hot Sauce Committee Part 2 in 2011. That is 30 years in the business and they were not even close to losing their ‚cool‘.

My heart goes out to his family and friends. He will be so, so missed.

Adam Yauch 5 August 1964 – 4 May 2012 (Source)

Edit 5 May 2012:

Last night, Coldplay played a Tribute.