Do it yourself Indoorsand

Hier ist doch mal was für veregnete (Sommer-)tage! Das müssen wir doch glatt mal ausprobieren, danke an dasLiebkind! 🙂


Here is something for rainy (summer) days. We’ll have to try that one out soon, thank you an dasLiebKind! 🙂



Sand im Wohnzimmer?
Wahrscheinlich kennt schon beinahe jeder von euch den Sand den man von verschiedenen Spielwarenherstellern kaufen kann. Tolle Idee, aber das blöde ist, dass er immer weniger wird und auch irgendwann verdreckt. Dann kann man für teuren Nachschub sorgen ODER den

Do it yourself Indoorsand


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Good for Readers: Goodreads


Here’s another great website for sharing stuff: GoodReads (the link should go directly to my GR page so please let me know if you’re having trouble)
I have tried several book-sharing websites (Shelfari to name one of them) but was never really happy. Then my friend J posted on her blog about having set herself a Challenge: She would read 50 books in 2011. Loving a challenge I headed straight over and set myself the ‚I am going to read 20 books in 2011‘. Why 20? Well, unlike J I have a babe so didn’t think I’d even make it to 10 but somehow I am already 9 down. Wohoo. 😀

The other difference to GR is you can do fun quizzes and trivia tests, either with random books or books on your ’shelf‘. I love tests, quizzes and the like so SCORE! 🙂

So there you have it. If you are into reading, like a quiz or even a challenge, head over to GoodReads and join me. 🙂

Have you heard of this online pinboard, yet?

Today I would like to share a great find with you: Pinterest. (Thank you to My Girl Thursday for pointing me in the right direction)

It is a great tool if you are – like me – a collector of pretty things or if you constantly see ‚AWESOME!!!!!‘ stuff on the web that you always want to keep somewhere other than in the bookmark section.

Have you got an account there? Link up! I’d love to see your Pinterests. 🙂

Can Iyou in this? 😉
Twelve Days of Breastfeeding
(Sung to the tune of. Twelve Days of Christmas) by Kelliann Mendez (breastfeeding peer counselor)

On the 1st day of breastfeeding my mommy gave to me: Colostrum to increase my immunity!

On the 2nd day of breastfeeding my mommy gave to me: two full breasts, and colostrum to increase my immunity!

On the 3rd day of breastfeeding my mommy gave to me: minimized jaundice, two full breasts and colostrum to increase my immunity!

On the 4th day of breastfeeding my mommy gave to me: fewer doctor. visits, minimized jaundice, two full breasts and colostrum to increase my immunity!

On the 5th day of breastfeeding my mommy gave to me: LESS ALLERGIES!, fewer doctor. visits, minimized jaundice, two full breasts and colostrum to increase my immunity!

On the 6th day of breastfeeding my mommy gave to me: Zero constipation; LESS ALLERGIES!… fewer doctor visits, minimized jaundice, two full breasts and colostrum to increase my immunity!

On the 7th day of breastfeeding my mommy gave to me: teeth and jaw development, zero constipation, LESS ALLERGIES!… fewer doctor visits, minimized jaundice, two full breasts and colostrum to increase my immunity!

On the 8th day of breastfeeding my mommy gave to me: reduced risk of breast cancer, teeth and jaw development, zero constipation, LESS ALLERGIES!… fewer Dr. visits, minimized jaundice, two full breasts and colostrum to increase my immunity!

On the 9th day of breastfeeding my mommy gave to me: skin to skin comfort, reduced risk of breast cancer, teeth and jaw development, zero constipation, LESS ALLERGIES!… fewer doctor visits, minimized jaundice, two full breasts and colostrum to increase my immunity!

On the 10th day of breastfeeding my mommy gave to me: decreased chance of diabetes, skin to skin comfort, reduced risk of breast cancer, teeth and jaw development, zero constipation, LESS ALLERGIES!… fewer doctor visits, minimized jaundice, two full breasts and colostrum to increase my immunity!

On the 11th day of breastfeeding my mommy gave to me: bonding and loving, decreased chance of diabetes, skin to skin comfort, reduced risk of breast cancer, teeth and jaw development, zero constipation, LESS ALLERGIES!… fewer doctor visits, minimized jaundice, two full breasts and colostrum to increase my immunity!

On the 12th day of breastfeeding my mommy gave to me: Higher IQ, bonding and loving, decreased chance of diabetes, skin to skin comfort, reduced risk of breast cancer, teeth and jaw development, zero constipation, LESS ALLERGIES!… fewer doctor visits, minimized jaundice, two full breasts and colostrum to increase my immunity!

From: and here