Endlich Herbst… Herbstspaziergang!

Ich glaube dieses Jahr sind wir uns fast alle einig: der Herbst kam, aber milde. In einigen Gegenden sogar eher sommerlich.

So liefen wir bis letzte Woche hier rum: T-Shirt und kurze Hose

Was schön ist, aber auch unheimlich verwirrend, wenn die innere Uhr auf kalt und windig (vielleicht sogar nass-kalt.. brrr) eingestellt ist und es draussen T-Shirt Wetter ist. Naja. Diese Woche sah es zwar endlich herbstlich aus bei uns in Süd-Ost England, aber es war immernoch lauwarm.

Dank des Sturmes Ophelia in Irland, war es auch bei uns recht stürmisch, also blieben wir bis auf Montag drinnen. Wir waren ziemlich faul. Ich habe vor allem für unsere Reise nach Berlin recherchiert (Kindercafés 😍) und Klamotten bei Instagram zum Verkauf hochgeladen (schaut doch mal rein: @limettenflohmarkt 😉), und das Kind hat fleissig alles über Tiere gelernt (Wild Kratts auf Netflix… tolle Show).

Dann war endlich Freitag und die Sonne kam raus! Ich habe dann beschlossen: jetzt reicht es. Wir brauchen Auslauf! Also ging es gegen 11Uhr raus. Zuerst steuerten wir den hiesigen Coffee Shop für lecker Tee (Apple-Elderflower Green Tea.. hmmmm) und einen Schokoladen Babycchino an. Das Kind spielte, lernte ein bischen Mathe und ich las meine Eltern und Nido Zeitschriften.

Fleissig, fleissig.. wenn auch faul

2 Stunden später ging es dann weiter. Das schönste an unserem Ort ist der Park. Das Amt kümmert sich sehr und man sieht es. Der Rest drumrum? Nicht erwähnenswert. Wir schlenderten langsam daher, bestaunten Blätterverfärbungen an den Bäumen, beobachteten Enten und warfen das Laub umher.

Jedes Jahr aufs Neue erstaunlich

Mick Jagger hielt für ein #selfie inne und dann ging es weiter an die kleinen Seen, durch einen kurzen Tunnel, in dem es immer mit klassischen Klängen erklingt. Find ich ne gute Idee.

Sir Mick und zwei andere Pappnasen…

Einmal langsam durch die Mitte (der See ist in zwei geteilt durch einen schmalen Weg) und dann links herum. Ich hatte gehofft die Gänse, die täglich bei uns am Fenster vorbeifliegen zwischen diesem und einem anderen Ort, zu sehen, aber das wurde leider nichts. Ich glaube, wir waren zu früh.

Die Sonne strahlte, die Stimmung war entspannt und wir führten ein paar gute Gespräche. Genauso hatte ich mir das vorgestellt.

Schade, das das tobende Kind dann den Tag versaute, weil ich gesagt habe, das der Fernseher bitte ausbleibt. Naja.

Ach ja, auf nen Baum is sie dann auch noch schnell hoch. Kletterkünste vorzeigen

Sand & Mehr

Heute mal kurz mit vielen Bildern. Es war wieder, genau, parkrun Samstag. So wie jeden Samstag. Allerdings sind die Limette und ich nicht immer dabei. Heute schon, denn heute gings ans Meer. Genauer gesagt, die Nordsee, in Harwich/Essex.



Die Sonne wärmte, wo der Wind doch kühl war. Cliff Park, wo Race HQ, Start und Finish platziert waren, hatte einen grossen Spielplatz mit tollem Piraten Schiff. Limette hat da 2 spassige Stunden verbracht.


Und noch eins, weils so toll war. 😀


Ein Eislolli und Frühstück später, machten wir uns auf den Weg nach Walton-on-Naze.

Toponymy Der Ortsname „Naze“ leitet sich aus dem Altenglischen Næss „ness, Vorgebirge, Vorgewende“. Im Jahre 1722 erwähnt Daniel Defoe die nahe gelegene Stadt Walton nannte es „Walton, unter der Nase“.

Parken war £1.20 für eine Stunde also machten wir uns hurtig, hurtig an den Strand. Der war toll. Schuhe aus, Socken aus, Hose hochgerollt und rein ins Wasser. Klasse. Danach war Schatzsuche und Wettlauf angesagt, und dann mussten wir leider auch schon wieder gehen.


Limette hatte Hunger also machten wir uns Richtung Stadtzentrum um Pommes zu kaufen. Ich esse keine Kartoffeln mehr, und habe mir lieber eine heisse Schokolade gegönnt. Das Kind rannte nochmal eine Weile auf diesem Strand herum und dann machten wir uns auf den langen, langweiligen Weg zurück nach Hause.



Unterwegs wurde nochmal schnell angehalten, um bei Decathlon Socken zu kaufen, und wir nutzen die Chance uns Zelte anzuschauen, Bogenschiessen zu probieren sowie Rollschuhe und Skateboards. Und ich hab mir ein paar Runden auf dem Grosse Kinder Roller gegönnt. 😉



Tschüßi! ^_^




Wild Wood Treetop Adventure & Street Food 

(Die deutsche Version ist unter ‚Weiterlesen‘)

When you have a monkey* at home, what better way to spend a Saturday than send them up into the trees? So now that Lime is 6 and just over 1m tall, we thought it a great idea to head over to Guildford.

Of course, we started the day with the local parkrun in Stoke Park (read all about it – as usual – over on Blog7t) then headed over to Wild Wood Treetop Adventure (specifically ‚Wild Kids‘), in the same park.  A quick introduction from their website:

The UK’s most exciting treetop adventure, ropes and zipwire course in Guildford, Surrey.

Experience the thrill of negotiating rope bridges, wobbly crossings and zip wires high up in the trees like a modern-day Tarzan. All the time perfectly safe as you are continuously connected to the safety wire by our ‚Saferoller‚ system. No tedious unclipping and clipping back on, you will be free to enjoy the treetop obstacles safe and unhindered.

You can book three different adventures in the woods. Wild Wood Adventure is our main course designed for Adults and adventurous Children from 11 years old. Wild Kids is for youngsters aged 6 to 12 years and Wild Wood Challenge is for groups and team building and is suitable for ages Adults and Children from 10 years old.

You will find free parking, freshly brewed coffee, snacks, a very warm welcome from the Wild Wood Crew. . . and an experience you will not forget! We hope to see you soon!

I opted to stay on the ground and take photos, but will definitely take park next time. It looked like a lot of fun, even though I’m sure I’d be trembling in my boots. The Husband certainly did, though it had been his idea to do this activity.


Getting strapped in and instructed


In any case, Lime was all for it and couldn’t wait to go up. We got thrown together with a group of 6 girls on a 9th birthday trip, who set off before us. Which was good, since they were much faster. Lime was in front of The Husband and, man, she was braver than I thought she’d be. Mostly that’s down to her being scared to do the oddest things, so I honestly expected her to get up there and go Noooo. But I was wrong and happy to admit it.

1st obstacle.jpg

That 1st ‚obstacle‘

The Husband took a bit to get going, which I can relate to, as we both ’suffer‘ from vertigo and issues with heights, but he found his courage in the tunnels in the end and off they went.


The course is a 2-parter and you get one hour to do it in. Part 1 has 8 elements and the last three were a zipline, then a line to cross and another zipline that leads back to the ground from where you continue on to part 2. For some reason, Lime could not cope with the that second to last one so one of the wonderful instructors offered to come up and help her across. The instructors were fab, actually. They playfully instructed everybody, hung around to check everyone was having fun and getting on and offered support for struggling adventurers.


That moment were Lime needed rescuing

In the end, we managed part 1 only as the guys ran out of time (we had signed in for 11pm to 12pm), but we already promised Lime we’d come back. The Husband already promised he’ll never do anything like this again. 😉

We shall see.


Before & After – Lime was NOT happy that she had to leave


Once back down on solid ground, we headed back to the car to drop jumpers and change out of running gear, as we had plans to walk into Guildford town for lunch. On route, I had seen a poster advertising the Street Food Picnic, which sounded yummy, so that was our destination. We walked through Stoke Park and down to the High Street, not entirely sure where to go, but soon found our way. The event took place in Allen House Gardens, on two levels: the vendors stood on a basketball court, and the Picnic Area was on the grassy upper level and included a DJ, Yoga corner and Kids corner. Also Cupcake tents and one of two bars.


Some of the options

As expected, the lower area provided tents offering curry, Thai food, BBQ food and other delicacies. I opted for ‚Option No 3‘ (Avocado, Omelette, Cheese & Salad in a wrap) and a large Pimm’s. Lime had a kid’s sized Artisan Neapolitan Sourdough pizza and chips. The Husband ended up with an overpriced but tasty Sweet Potato Carribean something pie. And fancy ‚crafty slaw‘.


Lunch and Pimm’s.. of course

We sat on hay bales and ate and people watched. I spotted an ex colleague from 8 years ago, but didn’t say hi. The food was ok, but for the price of it, we could’ve gone to a restaurant (For the three of us we paid just over £30). And here we thought Street Food was quick and cheap. And humble.

What is Street Food: It’s food (duh). It’s feel-good. It’s theatre. It’s insanely great flavours. It’s inexpensive. It’s community. It’s great Buzzfeed material. Excellent for Instagram likes too. (Source: Streetfood.org.uk)

People enjoy street food for a number of reasons: for a quick, inexpensive bite on the run, to sample flavorful local or exotic food in a social setting, to experience new ethnic cuisines, and to support entrepreneurs, small food businesses and local vendors. (Source: Streetfoodinstitute.org)

Anyway, after eating we went up to the picnic area where I bought Lime a mini cupcake and myself a delicious Salted Caramel Chocolate Biscuit sandwich. Then we sat down to relax while Lime ran off to play with a bunch of kids. It was nice. She ended up doing Yoga with ‚Mila – Café Yoga‚ and really enjoyed it.


Relaxing with Reggae and Yoga… and cake


Afterwards we headed home (but not without a quick tea break back in the car park), as it approached the evening and traffic seemed to be a nightmare, thanks to a collapsed bridge on the M20. We did get home alright, though.


Royalboos and Sunsets

*The Husband sometimes calls Lime ‚monkey’… sorry it’s not more exciting :p


‚Mission Mud‘ by ULTM8 Warrior




1. soft, sticky matter resulting from the mixing of earth and water.

„ankle deep in mud, we squelched across a meadow“

synonyms: mire, sludge, slush, ooze, silt, clay, gumbo, dirt, soil;

Lime loves running. But running through mud and over obstacles is even better, so The Husband signed her up to another one of ULTM8 Warrior’s Obstacle Course Challenges for Juniors. Her first was back in June; read about it here on Blog7t.


Well, she got what she came for

This particular OCR (Obstacle Course Race) was part of Mudstock, a ‚family fun weekend‘ that took place from Friday 29th July until Sunday 31st July 2016. Think Fitness meets Woodstock, but without the music (unless someone brings a guitar or speakers). We would have loved to do the whole weekend, but it was all a bit short notice and we don’t own a tent (yet!) so maybe, possibly we sign up for it next year.


Filler Photo, but also The View

On this lovely sunny morning, we arrived just after 9am when it was still pretty quiet. The Split Screen Coffee Company had their fabulous VW van there, and I got myself a lovely Mocha and 3 pieces of Banana Bread for us to share. Meanwhile, The Husband and Lime checked out the course and its obstacles.


Isn’t she beautiful? May was born in 1965 in Wolfsburg, Germany and started life as a delivery van for a local bakery


Race Start was 10.15am and everybody and their kitchen sink lined up at the start for the 4-6 years wave. Unlike last time where she was almost last, Lime was off like (a) Flash and entered the forest bit in third position, lead by Thor. I had to wait quite some time for her to come back out. The Husband was with her, to take photos and just see her do her running thing, and I wondered whether she got stuck in the mud (yep!) or refused to go in said mud (nope!).


Can you spot the kitchen sink? Also: show me your wristbands, puny mortals!

A few kids had overtaken her, some crying, some not doing all the obstacles, most with parents clinging to them, but as far as I know she finished as second girl. Not that anybody cared or mentioned it (Last time, they had a podium and the first three boys & girls got a mention and cheer.) Oh well…


From top left to bottom right

As with all runs, all finishers got a medal. The Husband ran off for a run along the course (if you follow him on Strava, you can check out the course map), while Lime and I fought to the death with the giant Q-Tips (or Pugil Sticks, as they’re called in the professional world). To the DEATH, I tell ya! Good fun, that…


Mission Mud Accomplished

Afterwards, we took a little walk up the hill to check out the Mudstock village. Sadly, it seemed as if most people had gone home already. Only a few tents were still there and not much of all the other things this event offers. We did get some lovely views of the local countryside, though.


In the distance and not visible: Gatwick Airport

Back down in the valley, we discovered the shower/wash area and took the opportunity to wash Lime’s muddy shoes, two pairs because we had gone into the forest once more, to see the muddy parts. A few others were also using the big basin to wash (though the water was anything but suitable) and we ended up in a splash war with a boy called Justin and his mum. (Side Note: A Pizza van had turned up at the end, which strikes me as really odd and a wasted opportunity, but what can you do. I don’t book the entertainment)


Ganging up

And finally we headed back home, listening to the #GermanGP on BBC5 Live, which lost its signal under every bridge, no matter how small.


Gimme a HULK!

Photos by copy7t (the ones with me in them :p )and me, myself & I