This Moment

{this moment} – A Friday ritual from Soule Mama. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savour and remember. If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments for all to find and see.

Happy Baba

Today’s {This Moment} edition is a bit different, because today we have received something special in the post. The lovely Isil over at Smiling like Sunshine ran a Giveaway earlier this month of which we were the winners. 😀

So today the postman brought ‚Nursies when the sun shines‘ by Katherine Havener. It is a gorgeous, short story about night weaning illustrated with heart warming pictures by Sara Burrier. 
I’ve read it to Lime once so far and she seemed to enjoy it but I won’t attempt night weaning just yet. She’s still fully breastfed and so it wouldn’t be fair to wean her just yet. 
So, from the Lime and me: Thank you. 🙂 

This Moment

{this moment} – A Friday ritual from Soule Mama. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savour and remember. If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments for all to find and see.


This Moment_Post Birthday Week Edition

Last Friday – 19.8.2011 – the Lime turned 1 year old. I can barely believe it and although I am painfully aware of how overused this sentence is I’ll say it anyway: It feels like only yesterday that I went into that operating theatre.

Then & Now


With Opa at the Farmer’s Market

I had planned a pre-birthday post for every day of last week. I didn’t do a single one. *sigh* I just don’t get time these days to even do a simple Wordless Wednesday. I need time to write a decent blog post, but with the Baba wanting my attention every few minutes I don’t really get that luxury.

So, two days ago I started a post-birthday post. And then moved it to the ’not going to finish this – better delete‘ pile. This here is a short version of that week with a few photos. Let’s see how we get on.

My dad arrived on Saturday (13.8). We went for lunch and then just chilled. We probably went to the playground in the afternoon. On Sunday we did a little shopping at the monthly Farmer’s Market. I wish it came more often, but it’s only been three times so we’ll see what the future holds.

Monday announced itself as a sunny day so we seized the opportunity to go down to Eastbourne again. We wanted to go for lunch at the ‚Tres Amigos‘ again to have Tapas. Beachy Head was our first stop and my….was it windy up there.

Oma and Lime

After lunch we met up with the Husband’s parents and grandparents who had also come down for the day. We walked along the promenade and had tea and cake at the end of it.

On Tuesday we fancied shopping so we hit Bluewater Shopping Centre. The Husband claims that we spent 9 hours there, but I’m not so sure about that figure. In any case, the Opa (German for Grandad – we’ve divided the German and English grandparents in Opa & Oma and Nanny & Grandad) bought Lime some Autumn/Winter clothes and some other bits and I got a few lovely new pieces of clothing as well. 😉 I also got a chance to play around with a camera I have my eyes on – the Nikon P300 as well as the P500…both expensive but both come with great features. Don’t know yet what I’ll go for but it will have to happen sooner rather than later because my other camera’s screen is black, the battery is mostly empty and overall I’m not happy with its performance.

On Wednesday we rested our tired and achy legs and feet. We probably went to the playground as well.

Let’s see…my hair’s a bit funny, eh?

On Thursday I tried to clear and clean the house some more because my mum arrived in the afternoon. We didn’t do much, just went for dinner in the Slug&Lettuce pub where we were told that they don’t like children after 6pm (it was 5.45pm). I told the guy we’d only eat and then go and he faffed about telling me there’d be lots of loud students about in a minute celebrating their A-Levels. Well, I can report that one hour later there were still only old people having a pint or glass of vino and us. Phew. He also claimed that it said ‚No children after 6pm‘ on the entrance. I had a look. He was right BUT: the door it was written on was open and the white letters against the cream wall weren’t exactly obvious apart from also being back to front. Pah!

And on Friday we had finally reached THE day. We had a nice breakfast and then Lime opened a couple of presents. The Oma gave her a book, a T-Shirt and some money. The Opa had already bought clothes on Tuesday, but he had two other presents from friends of his as well as his brother’s wife: a T-Shirt and a pair of red trousers from the former and a spinning top from the latter. The Oma also had a dress sent by my aunty.

Afterwards we went over to the castle to repeat last year’s photo shoot. (See first photo) It was good fun.

Click me for that bigger view that you want
T-Shirt says: ‚If mama’s annoying I’ll call nanny‘ – courtesy of Oma
Missing: Opa’s presents which were clothes


The £20 Prosecco

In the afternoon we welcomed more guests. The Husband’s parents and grandparents came down from London and brought more presents: a rainbow coloured stacker and a net full of rainbow coloured wooden building blocks. Later we went to ASK for dinner (and handed over our ‚voucher‘ for a free bottle of Prosecco. Our last time there wasn’t great: all the food was cold ,so that’s what we got by way of apology. The bottle was worth £20).

The guests, among them the Husband’s brother and his girlfriend who gave Lime a white stuffed Tiger called Timmi, left sometime after 10pm by which time the Lime could barely keep her eyes open, but she stayed calm and present throughout the whole thing despite barely having had any naps at all.

Riiiiiiight and to bore you just a little more :p on Saturday we had a little get-together with Lime’s little friends and their parents in the playground. She got a few more presents (a magnetic rainbow coloured stacker, a book (This is not my Monster), a push-along wooden monkey with Banana, a big, green Balloon with a sweet message..oh and a lovely top & ‚Leggings‘ set). It was a nice day. 🙂

On Sunday evening, my parents went back home.

And here we are – a week later. The Baba has enjoyed a week of extra special attention and fun and games. We have enjoyed time together and above all it was a good week full of ‚family‘.

I would love to add even more photos, but then this page might never load and you will all desert me and go somewhere else, so here’s only one more photo (we’ve taken so many with 3 different cameras…*cough*1,728*cough*).

My Baba ❤ Happy Birthday, Lime


~ * ~

This Moment

{this moment} – A Friday ritual from Soule Mama. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savour and remember. If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments for all to find and see.

itti ‚Rainbow Comp‘ Outtake